Romans 8:26-27


Romans 8:26-27




Live Worship - June 28, 2020


Live Worship - June 28, 2020




Romans 8:17-19 - Future Glory


Romans 8:17-19 - Future Glory




Romans 8:12-14


Romans 8:12-14




Online Service May 10, 2020


Online Service May 10, 2020


Let us come into God’s presence remembering the other members of our church that are worshiping in their homes. Let us also remember our believing and unbelieving neighbors who are honoring and celebrating mothers and motherhood this Sunday.

The first articulation of the gospel is in Genesis 3:15. At the fall of humanity, God promises salvation for humanity by way of a mother. And the fifth commandment instructs that mothers -with fathers- would be honored! So let’s honor our mothers everyday -as the Lord commands- and let’s join our neighbors in honoring them particularly today with our affections, words, and deeds.

As you’re making use of this liturgy in your homes, take your time and feel freedom to adapt the liturgy to serve your household as you worship the one true God.

Call to Worship

Hebrews 4:12-16

The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

Since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.


New City Catechism

Please read aloud these three questions and answers

What is our only hope in life and death?

That we are not our own but belong, body and soul, both in life and death, to God and to our savior Jesus Christ.

Why was it necessary for Christ, the Redeemer, to die?

Since death is the punishment for sin, Christ died willingly in our place to deliver us from the power and penalty of sin and bring us back to God. By his substitutionary atoning death, he alone redeems us from hell and gains for us forgiveness of sin, righteousness, and everlasting life.

What does Christ’s resurrection mean for us?

Christ triumphed over sin and death by being physically resurrected, so that all who trust in him are raised to new life in this world and to everlasting life in the world to come. Just as we will one day be resurrected, so this world will one day be restored. But those who do not trust in Christ will be raised to everlasting death.


Tithes & Offerings

We are still taking offerings online. If you prefer to write a check you can mail it to our church address. While we are not meeting in person, we need your generosity in order to fulfill our financial obligations. Contributions to FBCC go towards our weekly needs, serving our neighbors, and supporting SBC missionaries across the world.

Additionally, we know this is a time of economic hardship for many. David Bracewell chairs our Benevolence committee, which exists to help members of the church and our community who are in need. If you are in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to email him or the church office at



Pray along as one member of your household reads and prays this prayer aloud.

Our Father, we thank you for the adoption we have into your heavenly family. We thank you for all our brothers and sisters who have gone before us. Mostly, we thank you for your only begotten Son who is our Savior and Lord.

We ask that your kingdom may draw nearer, as your will is done. Please strengthen our minds, bodies, and wills so that we might effectively be your servants. Thank you for working in, through, and around us to make your name holy on earth, as it is in heaven.

Please continue to meet our needs, especially our greatest need: genuine faith. Help us daily to love you, trust you, enjoy you, and obey you as you make yourself known through your word. Be with us as we attempt to spiritually feed ourselves and others with your word in private and public devotions. Especially be with mothers and fathers as they attempt to spiritually feed the souls entrusted to their care.

Forgive our sins. Truly we were born in sin and guilt, corrupt in our nature and unable to keep your law. We rejected and ignored you. We suppressed the truth. We failed to be and do what you called us to be and do.

Our sin has caused us to harm one another. Help us to forgive those who have harmed us by their sin. Help us even to forgive ourselves, since we so often harm ourselves by our sin.

Finally, we ask that you would spare us from undue temptation. Even a king’s heart can be turned by your hand; turn our hearts from loving the things of the world. Deliver us from the evil one. Give us faith in Jesus and his substitutionary atoning death on the cross.

Do all this by the Holy Spirit and for the glory of your name.



Scripture Reading

Today’s passage is Romans 7:1-25. Please read it before continuing to today’s sermon.




Closing Song





Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him, all creatures here below

Praise Him above the Heavenly host

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost




During this time when we are apart, one of the things that we miss out on is singing together. While we will have songs built into our "worship at home" service each week, I wanted to share a couple of other ways that you can listen to/sing along with the songs we are accustomed to singing throughout the week.

Charlie Brooks has created YouTube and Spotify playlists with each of our songs. May God bless you as you continue to sing throughout the week



It is our hope that, while we are apart, you will continue to invest in your walk with God. Each week, we will provide some ideas for some passages of scripture to study along with a devotional. This week, you can visit each day to read a short devotional that will hopefully nourish your soul.



As the Deacons meet over the next couple of weeks to discuss when and how to resume services, what are some things that you want to make sure we are thinking and praying about in our planning?

Click here to let us know


Online Service May 3, 2020


Online Service May 3, 2020


Let us come into God’s presence with thankfulness and gladness. We have the privilege and responsibility to worship the one true God. We are his people and we are united by our shared faith and mutual covenant. Take your time with this liturgy. Remember the other members of our church that are worshiping in their homes. Follow the prompts as you lead and participate in household worship.


Call to Worship

Joshua 24:19-20, 16-18, 14-15

Joshua said to the people, “You are not able to serve the Lord, for he is a holy God. He is a jealous God; he will not forgive your transgressions or your sins. If you forsake the Lord and serve foreign gods, then he will turn and do you harm and consume you, after having done you good.”

Then the people answered, “Far be it from us that we should forsake the Lord to serve other gods, for it is the Lord our God who brought us and our fathers up from the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, and who did those great signs in our sight and preserved us in all the way that we went, and among all the peoples through whom we passed. And the Lord drove out [from] before us all the peoples, the Amorites who lived in the land. Therefore we also will serve the Lord, for he is our God.”

[Joshua declared,] “Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”


New City Catechism

Please read aloud these three questions and answers

Where is Christ now?

Christ rose bodily from the grave on the third day after his death and is seated at the right hand of the Father, ruling his kingdom and interceding for us, until he returns to judge and renew the whole world.

Of what advantage to us is Christ’s ascension?

Christ physically ascended on our behalf, just as he came down to earth physically on our account, and he is now advocating for us in the presence of his Father, preparing a place for us, and also sends us his Spirit.

What hope does everlasting life hold for us?

It reminds us that this present fallen world is not all there is; soon we will live with and enjoy God forever in the new city, in the new heaven and the new earth, where we will be fully and forever freed from all sin and will inhabit renewed, resurrection bodies in a renewed, restored creation.


Tithes & Offerings

We are still taking offerings online. If you prefer to write a check you can mail it to our church address. While we are not meeting in person, we need your generosity in order to fulfill our financial obligations. Contributions to FBCC go towards our weekly needs, serving our neighbors, and supporting SBC missionaries across the world.

Additionally, we know this is a time of economic hardship for many. David Bracewell chairs our Benevolence committee, which exists to help members of the church and our community who are in need. If you are in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to email him or the church office at



This prayer has been adapted from a liturgy written in 1567. It was designed for use on Sunday before the sermon. It is rather lengthy. May it not overwhelm, but assist, as you come before the throne of God.
Pray along as one member of your household reads and prays this prayer aloud.

Eternal Father, from the depths of our hearts we humble ourselves before your high Majesty, against which we have sinned so frequently and heinously. We confess that -if you desired to bring us to judgement- we deserve nothing but eternal death.

Due to original sin, we are all impure and children of wrath, conceived in iniquity and born in unrighteousness. Therefore, all kinds of evil lusts are dwelling in us, waging war against you and our neighbors. In addition to this original sin, we have frequently and perpetually transgressed your commandments with our deeds - neglecting what you have commanded and doing what you have clearly forbidden. We have gone astray like sheep and have greatly sinned against you.

This we confess and truly regret.
Indeed, we confess to our utter futility and to the praise of your mercy toward us - we confess that our sins exceed the number of hairs on our head! We owe a penalty which we could never hope to repay! Therefore, we are not worthy to be called your children, nor to lift our eyes to heaven and speak our prayers before you.

And yet, O LORD God and merciful Father, knowing that you do not desire the death of a sinner - but that such a one may repent and live! And knowing that you show boundless mercy toward those who turn to you; we call upon you in faith directed toward our Mediator and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

We implore you to have compassion for our weakness and to forgive all our sins for Christ’s sake.
Wash us in the pure fountain of his blood, that we may become clean and white as snow.
Cover our nakedness with his blamelessness and righteousness for the glory of your name.
Purify our minds of all blindness and our hearts of all mischief and stubbornness.

And now, open the mouth of your servant and fill him with your wisdom and knowledge so that he may proclaim your Word purely and frankly. And also prepare our hearts so that we may hear, understand, and keep your Word. According to your promise, write your laws on the tablets of our hearts and give us the inclination and strength to walk in them, to the praise and glory of your name and for the edification of your church.



Scripture Reading

Today’s passage is Romans 6:15-23. Please read it before continuing to today’s sermon.




Closing Song





Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him, all creatures here below

Praise Him above the Heavenly host

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost




During this time when we are apart, one of the things that we miss out on is singing together. While we will have songs built into our "worship at home" service each week, I wanted to share a couple of other ways that you can listen to/sing along with the songs we are accustomed to singing throughout the week.

I have created YouTube and Spotify playlists with each of our songs. May God bless you as you continue to sing throughout the week



It is our hope that, while we are apart, you will continue to invest in your walk with God. Each week, we will provide some ideas for some passages of scripture to study along with a devotional. This week, you can visit each day to read a short devotional that will hopefully nourish your soul.



As the Deacons meet over the next couple of weeks to discuss when and how to resume services, what are some things that you want to make sure we are thinking and praying about in our planning?

Click here to let us know


Online Service April 26, 2020


Online Service April 26, 2020


As we come into God’s presence together this morning, we come as a people scattered - worshiping in our homes. Yet, those of us who have been adopted into the family of God are truly one people. We are united by our shared faith and by our mutual covenant.

As you work through this liturgy at home, we encourage you to take your time. Read through the texts slowly, sing the songs and spend time in prayer intentionally so that “the Word of Christ may dwell in us richly”. We hope and pray that this liturgy will help you as you endeavor to worship the one true God.


Call to Worship

Read this Call to Worship aloud
Psalm 42:1-5

As a deer pants for flowing streams,
    so pants my soul for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God,
    for the living God.
When shall I come and appear before God?
My tears have been my food
    day and night,
while they say to me all the day long,
    “Where is your God?”
These things I remember,
    as I pour out my soul:
how I would go with the throng
    and lead them in procession to the house of God
with glad shouts and songs of praise,
    a multitude keeping festival.

 Why are you cast down, O my soul,
    and why are you in turmoil within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,
    my salvation


New City Catechism

Please read aloud these three questions and answers

What is prayer?
Prayer is pouring out our hearts to God in praise, petition, confession of sin, and thanksgiving.

With what attitude should we pray?
With love, perseverance, and gratefulness; in humble submission to God’s will, knowing that, for the sake of Christ, he always hears our prayers.

What should we pray?
The whole Word of God directs and inspires us in what we should pray, including the prayer Jesus himself taught us.



Consider the categories of praise, petition, confession, and thanksgiving.
Then, pray spontaneously as led by the head of your household.
At the conclusion, pray aloud in unison the Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


Tithes & Offerings

We are still taking offerings online. If you prefer to write a check you can mail it to our church address. While we are not meeting in person, we need your generosity in order to fulfill our financial obligations. Contributions to FBCC go towards our weekly needs, serving our neighbors, and supporting SBC missionaries across the world.

Additionally, we know this is a time of economic hardship for many. David Bracewell chairs our Benevolence committee, which exists to help members of the church and our community who are in need. If you are in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to email him or the church office at


Scripture Reading

Today’s passage is Romans 6:1-14.




Closing Song





Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him, all creatures here below

Praise Him above the Heavenly host

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost




During this time when we are apart, one of the things that we miss out on is singing together. While we will have songs built into our "worship at home" service each week, I wanted to share a couple of other ways that you can listen to/sing along with the songs we are accustomed to singing throughout the week.

I have created YouTube and Spotify playlists with each of our songs. May God bless you as you continue to sing throughout the week



It is our hope that, while we are apart, you will continue to invest in your walk with God. Each week, we will provide some ideas for some passages of scripture to study along with a devotional. This week, you can visit each day to read a short devotional that will hopefully nourish your soul.



Hopefully we will be able to gather in person again soon, but as we navigate these uncertain times, we’d love to hear your feedback on how we are doing and what we could do better. Click a link below to get started.

Did you enjoy the format of our online service today?

Yes - No


Online Service April 19, 2020


Online Service April 19, 2020


Let us come into God’s presence with comfort and joy despite our felt dispersion. We have the privilege and responsibility to worship the one true God. We are truly his people and we are united by our shared faith and mutual covenant. Take your time with this liturgy. Follow the prompts as you lead and participate in household worship.


Call to Worship

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
    for his name's sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord


New City Catechism

Please read aloud these three questions and answers

Should those who have faith in Christ seek their salvation through their own works, or anywhere else?

No, they should not, as everything necessary to salvation is found in Christ. To seek salvation through good works is a denial that Christ is the only Redeemer and Savior.

Since we are redeemed by grace alone, through Christ alone, must we still do good works and obey God’s Word?

Yes, because Christ, having redeemed us by his blood, also renews us by his Spirit; so that our lives may show love and gratitude to God; so that we may be assured of our faith by the fruits; and so that by our godly behavior others may be won to Christ.

Since we are redeemed by grace alone, through faith alone, where does this faith come from?

All the gifts we receive from Christ we receive through the Holy Spirit, including faith itself.



Pray along as one member of your household prays this prayer aloud.

Heavenly Father,
According to your great mercy, you have caused us who believe to be born again to a living hope. You have blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing. You comfort us in our afflictions so that we may be able to comfort others who are afflicted. Please comfort us this morning as among other trials we are grieving the loss of gathering together. Cause this season to make us particularly grateful for the means of grace still available to us and to mourn with those who do not yet know peace that comes from being reconciled to you.

Christ Jesus,
Your divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness. In you we have redemption and the forgiveness of sin. Lord, we desire to be kept from being ineffective or unfruitful in our knowledge of you. Therefore, we are making efforts this very morning to supplement our faith with virtue, our virtue with knowledge, our knowledge with self-control, our self-control with godliness, our godliness with brotherly affection, and our brotherly affection with agape love. Help us, we ask, in your name.

Holy Spirit,
You are the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it. We so look forward to the day when we do acquire possession of our inheritance and we cease to see through a glass dimly, as our faith is turned to sight. We praise you for the cloud of witnesses that surround us and the many saints who have gone before us. We are striving by your almighty power to lay aside every weight and sin which clings to us - help us, Holy Spirit, to look to Jesus, who is the founder and perfecter of our faith. You have promised to help us in our weakness and to intercede for us with groanings too deep for words. We thank you.

God, you have commanded us to love you with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our might. Help us, we ask, this morning, to keep this great commandment. And help us also to keep the one that is like it: that we might love our neighbor as ourselves.


Tithes & Offerings

We are still taking offerings online. If you prefer to write a check you can mail it to our church address. While we are not meeting in person, we need your generosity in order to fulfill our financial obligations. Contributions to FBCC go towards our weekly needs, serving our neighbors, and supporting SBC missionaries across the world.

Additionally, we know this is a time of economic hardship for many. David Bracewell chairs our Benevolence committee, which exists to help members of the church and our community who are in need. If you are in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to email him or the church office at


Scripture Reading

Today’s passage is Romans 5:18-6:4, please read it before continuing to today’s sermon.




Closing Song





Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him, all creatures here below

Praise Him above the Heavenly host

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost




During this time when we are apart, one of the things that we miss out on is singing together. While we will have songs built into our "worship at home" service each week, I wanted to share a couple of other ways that you can listen to/sing along with the songs we are accustomed to singing throughout the week.

I have created YouTube and Spotify playlists with each of our songs. May God bless you as you continue to sing throughout the week



It is our hope that, while we are apart, you will continue to invest in your walk with God. Each week, we will provide some ideas for some passages of scripture to study along with a devotional. This week, you can visit each day to read a short devotional that will hopefully nourish your soul.



Hopefully we will be able to gather in person again soon, but as we navigate these uncertain times, we’d love to hear your feedback on how we are doing and what we could do better. Click a link below to get started.

Did you enjoy the format of our online service today?

Yes - No


Online Service April 12, 2020


Online Service April 12, 2020


Good morning!

Each week Christians rise on Sunday to worship the risen Jesus. Yet, one week out of the year we set aside a special time to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord - remembering that he rose from the dead bodily on a Sunday morning, was found by three disciples, and reported to a larger group that ran to confirm the empty tomb. Today we celebrate this unique Sunday - Easter Sunday.

I know this Easter may feel odd, empty, or even sad as we are not gathering together. As far as I am aware, this will be the first Easter holiday that First Baptist Church of Chattahoochee has not gathered. But be encouraged that “neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Because Christ has risen from the grave, we are not alone. We can and should remember the joy of the risen Savior this morning - the joy of an empty cross and an empty tomb!

Let us begin this morning by reciting one of the oldest liturgies of the church -the Paschal Greeting- a call and response exclamation of “He is risen!” and “He is risen, indeed!”

He is risen!


Call to Worship

Please read aloud 1 Corinthians 15:1-8

1 Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, 2 and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.

3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, 5 and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. 6 Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. 7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. 8 Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me.

Let’s sing together of our risen Lord.

I found this old recording, we did not have the piano mic’d at this point, but hope you enjoy


New City Catechism

Please read aloud these three questions and answers

What does Christ’s resurrection mean for us?

Christ triumphed over sin and death by being physically resurrected, so that all who trust in him are raised to new life in this world and to everlasting life in the world to come. Just as we will one day be resurrected, so this world will one day be restored. But those who do not trust in Christ will be raised to everlasting death.

Of what advantage to us is Christ’s ascension?

Christ physically ascended on our behalf, just as he came down to earth physically on our account, and he is now advocating for us in the presence of his Father, preparing a place for us, and also sends us his Spirit.

What hope does everlasting life hold for us?

It reminds us that this present fallen world is not all there is; soon we will live with and enjoy God forever in the new city, in the new heaven and the new earth, where we will be fully and forever freed from all sin and will inhabit renewed, resurrection bodies in a renewed, restored creation.


Recorded April 11, 2020 by Charlie Brooks and Tyler Skelton



Heavenly Father, we praise you for the work of your only begotten son whom you sent to earth. Christ Jesus, we praise you for leading the life we could not live - by being born into the likeness of sinful flesh, yet living a sinless life; you have fulfilled the righteous requirement of the Law. Holy Spirit, we praise you, because it is through you that the love of God is poured into our hearts.

God, we come before you now because of the finished work of the cross. By the blood of Easter lamb we boldly enter into your presence and make our requests known. We ask that you remind us of our sin and give us a heart of repentance. We know that your rich mercy enables us to be made alive together with Christ. We repent of any apathy in our heart towards the riches of Christ and the goodness of his work of salvation. Lord, we ask that this morning we would not be discouraged by the distance between us. You are sovereign over all things, so we ask that you would encourage our hearts, and give us the gift of joy as we remember you. 

Finally, we pray that you would open our mouths to sing praises to you. We pray that we would sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs that allow your word to dwell richly in us. Help us to be bold to share the gospel with those we know, and to continue to celebrate your resurrection each day. 

Now, to you who are able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us - to you be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.


Tithes & Offerings

We are still taking offerings online. If you prefer to write a check you can mail it to our church address. While we are not meeting in person, we need your generosity in order to fulfill our financial obligations. Contributions to FBCC go towards our weekly needs, serving our neighbors, and supporting SBC missionaries across the world.

Additionally, we know this is a time of economic hardship for many. David Bracewell chairs our Benevolence committee, which exists to help members of the church and our community who are in need. If you are in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to email him or the church office at


Children’s Program

During this Easter season, many of our parents and grandparents are surely grieving the family traditions that so often surround this Christian holiday. Please pray for our families - that they might be able to connect through creative ways even while social distancing.

Our church family also misses seeing the oldest among us and the youngest and everyone in between. Consider posting pictures and tagging the church, or email us at, so we can share in holiday Spirit together. #HeIsRisen2020


Scripture Reading

Today’s passage is Romans 5:12-21.
Please read the text before continuing to today’s sermon.




Closing Song

Recorded April 11, 2020 by Charlie Brooks and Tyler Skelton





Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him, all creatures here below

Praise Him above the Heavenly host

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost




During this time when we are apart, one of the things that we miss out on is singing together. While we will have songs built into our online service each week, I wanted to share a couple of other ways that we can listen to/sing along with the songs we are accustomed to singing throughout the week.

I have created YouTube and Spotify playlists with each of our songs. May God bless you as you continue to sing throughout the week



It is our hope that, while we are apart, you will continue to invest in your walk with God. You can visit each day to read a short devotional that will hopefully nourish your soul.



Hopefully we will be able to gather in person again soon, but as we navigate these uncertain times, we’d love to hear your feedback on how we are doing and what we could do better. Click a link below to get started.

Did you enjoy the format of our online service today?

Yes - No


Online Service April 5, 2020


Online Service April 5, 2020


As we come into God’s presence together this morning, we come as a people scattered - worshiping in our homes. Yet, those of us who have been adopted into the family of God are truly one people. We are united by our shared faith and by our mutual covenant.

As you work through this liturgy at home, we encourage you to take your time. Read through the texts slowly, sing the songs and spend time in prayer intentionally so that “the Word of Christ may dwell in us richly”. We hope and pray that this liturgy will help you as we endeavor to worship the one true God.


Call to Worship

Psalm 135

1 Praise the LORD!
Praise the name of the LORD,
give praise, O servants of the LORD,
2  who stand in the house of the LORD,
in the courts of the house of our God!
3  Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good;
sing to his name, for it is pleasant!
4  For the LORD has chosen Jacob for himself,
Israel as his own possession.

5  For I know that the LORD is great,
and that our Lord is above all gods.
6  Whatever the LORD pleases, he does,
in heaven and on earth,
in the seas and all deeps.
7  He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth,
who makes lightnings for the rain
and brings forth the wind from his storehouses.

8  He it was who struck down the firstborn of Egypt,
both of man and of beast;
9  who in your midst, O Egypt,
sent signs and wonders
against Pharaoh and all his servants;
10  who struck down many nations
and killed mighty kings,
11  Sihon, king of the Amorites,
and Og, king of Bashan,
and all the kingdoms of Canaan,
12  and gave their land as a heritage,
a heritage to his people Israel.

13  Your name, O LORD, endures forever,
your renown, O LORD, throughout all ages.
14  For the LORD will vindicate his people
and have compassion on his servants.

15  The idols of the nations are silver and gold,
the work of human hands.
16  They have mouths, but do not speak;
they have eyes, but do not see;
17  they have ears, but do not hear,
nor is there any breath in their mouths.
18  Those who make them become like them,
so do all who trust in them.

19  O house of Israel, bless the LORD!
O house of Aaron, bless the LORD!
20  O house of Levi, bless the LORD!
You who fear the LORD, bless the LORD!
21  Blessed be the LORD from Zion,
he who dwells in Jerusalem!
Praise the LORD!

Let’s sing together as we praise the Lord.


New City Catechism

Please read aloud these four questions and answers

How can we glorify God?

We glorify God by enjoying him, loving him, trusting him, and by obeying his will, commands, and law.

What does the law of God require?

Personal, perfect, and perpetual obedience; that we love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love our neighbor as ourselves. What God forbids should never be done and what God commands should always be done.

Can anyone keep the law of God perfectly?

Since the fall, no mere human has been able to keep the law of God perfectly, but consistently breaks it in thought, word, and deed.

Since no one can keep the law, what is its purpose?

That we may know the holy nature and will of God, and the sinful nature and disobedience of our hearts; and thus our need of a Savior. The law also teaches and exhorts us to live a life worthy of our Savior.



Have members of your household pray aloud through each of these prompts.

  • Pray for the efforts of those trusting in Jesus and his word.

  • Pray for those suffering physically.

  • Pray for those suffering emotionally and/or relationally.

  • Pray for the efforts of those seeking to care for those who are suffering.

  • Pray for heads of civil governments.

  • Pray for heads of churches and families.

  • Pray for the glory of God.


Tithes & Offerings

We are still taking offerings online. If you prefer to write a check you can mail it to our church address. While we are not meeting in person, we need your generosity in order to fulfill our financial obligations. Contributions to FBCC go towards our weekly needs, serving our neighbors, and supporting SBC missionaries across the world.

Additionally, we know this is a time of economic hardship for many. David Bracewell chairs our Benevolence committee, which exists to help members of the church and our community who are in need. If you are in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to email him or the church office at


Children’s Program

While school is out, please say a prayer for our families with kids who are all of a sudden trapped up at home 24/7.

Parents - Have your kid draw a card or picture during service today and take a picture to share with everyone.

Everyone - Take a quick photo of what worship at home looks like for you this morning, pajamas won’t offend us!

Post the pictures of Facebook and tag the church, or email them to so we can share some community during a time when we need it the most.


Scripture Reading

Today’s passage is Romans 5:1-11. The sermon will also reference 1 Peter 1:3-9.
Please read both texts before continuing to today’s sermon.




Closing Song





Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him, all creatures here below

Praise Him above the Heavenly host

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost




During this time when we are apart, one of the things that we miss out on is singing together. While we will have songs built into our "church at home" service each week, I wanted to share a couple of other ways that you can listen to/sing along with the songs we are accustomed to singing throughout the week.

I have created YouTube and Spotify playlists with each of our songs. May God bless you as you continue to sing throughout the week



It is our hope that, while we are apart, you will continue to invest in your walk with God. Each week, we will provide some ideas for some passages of scripture to study along with a devotional. This week, you can visit each day to read a short devotional that will hopefully nourish your soul.



Hopefully we will be able to gather in person again soon, but as we navigate these uncertain times, we’d love to hear your feedback on how we are doing and what we could do better. Click a link below to get started.

Did you enjoy the format of our online service today?

Yes - No


Online Service March 29, 2020


Online Service March 29, 2020


As we come into God’s presence together this morning, we come as a people scattered - worshiping in our homes. Yet, those of us who have been adopted into the family of God are truly one people. We are united by our shared faith and by our mutual covenant.

As you work through this liturgy at home, we encourage you to take your time. Read through the texts slowly, sing the songs and spend time in prayer intentionally so that “the Word of Christ may dwell in us richly”. We hope and pray that this liturgy will help you as we endeavor to worship the one true God.


Call to Worship

Hebrews 3:1-4

Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, who was faithful to him who appointed him, just as Moses also was faithful in all God’s house. For Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses--as much more glory as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself. (For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.)


Let’s sing together about our Creator God. Let’s sing about Jesus.


New City Catechism

Please read aloud these two questions and answers

What does God require in the sixth, seventh, and eighth commandments?

Sixth, that we do not hurt, or hate, or be hostile to our neighbor, but be patient and peaceful, pursuing even our enemies with love. 

Seventh, that we abstain from sexual immorality and live purely and faithfully, whether in marriage or in single life, avoiding all impure actions, looks, words, thoughts, or desires, and whatever might lead to them. 

Eighth, that we do not take without permission that which belongs to someone else, nor withhold any good from someone we might benefit.

What does God require in the ninth and tenth commandments?

Ninth, that we do not lie or deceive, but speak the truth in love.

Tenth, that we are content, not envying anyone or resenting what God has given them or us.



Heavenly Father, we thank you for your church. We praise you in that you loved sinners like us. Truly, we were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. We walked in sin, we followed the course of this world, we followed the very spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience - among whom we all once lived - enslaved to the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind which were desires of rebellion against your law. We were, like the rest of mankind, dead in our trespasses.

And yet, you loved rebellious people like us. While we were still sinners, before we loved you, while we actively rejected and suppressed your law that even our conscious bore witness to... Christ died for us and you saved us who believe by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit. 

Thank you, Father, for the adoption you have given. Thank you for opening the eyes of our hearts; thank you for making us alive. For our sake, you made him who knew no sin, to be as sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Jesus Christ, you are the apostle and high priest of our confession. You are the founder and the perfecter of our faith. We know that we are to look to you and consider your suffering so that we might not grow weary and faint-hearted, so that we might struggle against sin even to the point of shedding blood. 

But we have been like Peter who instead saw the storm. We have not kept our eyes fixed on you. We have caved to our still persisting sinful nature time and time again. We repent afresh and look once again to you. You have abolished death; you have brought life; and you have brought immortality to all who believe. We believe, help us in our unbelief.

Holy Spirit, You were poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ. In fact, we who believe in him were baptized with you. When we believed, we were sealed by you. You bore witness to us and through Jeremiah when you declared, “I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds… I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.” Thank you, Holy Spirit, for the promise of forgiven sin. Truly, it is our only hope: that because of the finished work of Jesus our sin has been removed from our account and his righteousness imputed to us.

Won’t you now, in your mercy, O God, grant wisdom to our church officials, to our local government officials, to our state officials, and to our federal officials. We are trusting that they have been instituted by you. We are trusting that they will be judged more harshly than most and that they are your subjects and their hearts can be turned by you. 

We pray also for our world which is being transformed by the Corona virus and the corresponding reactions to the virus. Be with those infected, their loved ones, their care-givers, and the medical professionals who are working behind the scenes as well as on the front lines to serve their fellow image-bearers. Please make your name great in these days. Strengthen the faithful; rouse the careless, and restore the penitent.

We declare and ask all these things and so many more in your holy name and seeking ultimately your glory. Amen.


Tithes & Offerings

We are still taking offerings online. If you prefer to write a check you can mail it to our church address. While we are not meeting in person, we need your generosity in order to fulfill our financial obligations. Contributions to FBCC go towards our weekly needs, serving our neighbors, and supporting SBC missionaries across the world.

Additionally, we know this is a time of economic hardship for many. David Bracewell chairs our Benevolence committee, which exists to help members of the church and our community who are in need. If you are in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to email him or the church office at


Scripture Reading

Today’s passage is Romans 4:1-25, please read before continuing to today’s sermon.


Children’s Program

While school is out, please say a prayer for our families with kids who are all of a sudden trapped up at home 24/7.

Parents - Have your kid draw a card or picture during service today and take a picture to share with everyone.

Everyone - Take a quick photo of what worship at home looks like for you this morning, pajamas won’t offend us!

Post the pictures of Facebook and tag the church, or email them to so we can share some community during a time when we need it the most.




Closing Song





Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him, all creatures here below

Praise Him above the Heavenly host

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost




During this time when we are apart, one of the things that we miss out on is singing together. While we will have songs built into our "church at home" service each week, I wanted to share a couple of other ways that you can listen to/sing along with the songs we are accustomed to singing throughout the week.

I have created YouTube and Spotify playlists with each of our songs. May God bless you as you continue to sing throughout the week



It is our hope that, while we are apart, you will continue to invest in your walk with God. Each week, we will provide some ideas for some passages of scripture to study along with a devotional. This week, you can visit each day to read a short devotional that will hopefully nourish your soul.



Hopefully we will be able to gather in person again soon, but as we navigate these uncertain times, we’d love to hear your feedback on how we are doing and what we could do better. Click a link below to get started.

Did you enjoy the format of our online service today?

Yes - No


Online Service - Romans 3:21-31


Online Service - Romans 3:21-31


As we come into God’s presence together this morning, we come as a people scattered - worshiping in our homes. Yet, those of us who have been adopted into the family of God are truly one people. We are united by our shared faith and by our mutual covenant.

As you work through this liturgy at home, we encourage you to take your time. Read through the texts slowly, sing the songs and spend time in prayer intentionally so that “the Word of Christ may dwell in us richly”. We hope and pray that this liturgy will help you as we endeavor to worship the one true God.

Instead of a single streaming video, today’s service is organized into sections that you can consume at your own pace as you and your family worship together this morning. As you scroll down the page, you will see some sections for you to read and reflect on, and other sections with videos you can play for moments of worship, as well as our message today from Michael Robb.


Call to Worship

Psalm 20:1-7

May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble! 

May the name of the God of Jacob protect you!

May he send you help from the sanctuary and give you support from zion!

May he remember all your offerings and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices!


May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!

May we shout for joy over your salvation, and in the name of our God set up our banners!

May the LORD fulfill all your petitions!

Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed;

He will answer him from his holy heaven with the saving might of his right hand.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of our Lord our God.


New City Catechism

What does God require in the first, second, and third commandments?

First, that we know and trust God as the only true and living God. 

Second, that we avoid all idolatry and do not worship God improperly. 

Third, that we treat God’s name with fear and reverence, honoring also his Word and works.

What does God require in the fourth and fifth commandments?

Fourth, that on the Sabbath day we spend time in public and private worship of God, rest from routine employment, serve the Lord and others, and so anticipate the eternal Sabbath. 

Fifth, that we love and honor our father and our mother, submitting to their godly discipline and direction.



Today’s prayer comes from Scotty Smith at the Gospel Coalition, based on Philippians 4:6-7. Please read this passage and pray along with us for our church and for our world.

6 - Tell God what you need,

Heavenly Father, thank you for welcoming us in our anxious hearts and legitimate concerns. “Pray more and worry less,” isn’t a formula; it’s our freedom. You know our needs better than we do, but here’s a few current things.

By the power of your Spirit, we want to be more worshipful than worried; more settled by your sovereignty than vexed by this virus; more praise-full than paranoid about the next cough or sneeze.

We pray for health-care workers, research scientists, and those most vulnerable to the coronavirus. We pray churches will actually thrive during this social-distancing season; that the Gospel will become precious to those suddenly alive to their mortality; and for single moms, caring for kids and carrying the weight of financial burdens.

6b - and thank him for all he has done.

Thank you for what you’ve already done? That’s easy Father. You’ve given Jesus to us and for us. He is our righteousness, holiness, and redemption—our active Advocate and ruling King… and a whole lot more.

7  - Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Supersize our experience of your peace, Father. We don’t have to understand everything. Your timing is better than Swiss, and your faithfulness is greater than we realize. As we savor our life in Christ Jesus, guard our fickle, wandering, impatient hearts.

Indeed, today, we set our mind, affections and gaze upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, our merciful Savior and mighty Lord, the fountain of grace and ground of all hope. So we pray, in his tender and triumphant name, Amen.


Tithes & Offerings

We are still taking offerings online. If you prefer to write a check you can mail it to our church address. While we are not meeting in person, we need your generosity in order to fulfill our financial obligations. Contributions to FBCC go towards our weekly needs, serving our neighbors, and supporting SBC missionaries across the world.

Additionally, we know this is a time of economic hardship for many. David Bracewell chairs our Benevolence committee, which exists to help members of the church and our community who are in need. If you are in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to email him or the church office at


Scripture Reading

Today’s passage is Romans 3:21-31, please read before continuing to today’s sermon.


Children’s Program

While school is out, please say a prayer for our families with kids who are all of a sudden trapped up at home 24/7.

Parents - Have your kid draw a card or picture during service today and take a picture to share with everyone.

Everyone - Take a quick photo of what worship at home looks like for you this morning, pajamas won’t offend us!

Post the pictures of Facebook and tag the church, or email them to so we can share some community during a time when we need it the most.




Closing Song





Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him, all creatures here below

Praise Him above the Heavenly host

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost




During this time when we are apart, one of the things that we miss out on is singing together. While we will have songs built into our "church at home" service each week, I wanted to share a couple of other ways that you can listen to/sing along with the songs we are accustomed to singing throughout the week.

I have created YouTube and Spotify playlists with each of our songs. May God bless you as you continue to sing throughout the week



It is our hope that, while we are apart, you will continue to invest in your walk with God. Each week, we will provide some ideas for some passages of scripture to study along with a devotional. This week, you can visit each day to read a short devotional that will hopefully nourish your soul.



Hopefully we will be able to gather in person again soon, but as we navigate these uncertain times, we’d love to hear your feedback on how we are doing and what we could do better. Click a link below to get started.

Did you enjoy the format of our online service today?

Yes - No
