During Wednesday service following supper, we will host Allison McGill, president of Lazarus Ministries, an evangelistic non-profit seeking to serve the homeless in our area. 

The class will equip us to interact, in a thoughtful and dignifying way, with those that are experiencing homelessness. In this short seminar we cover the general topic of homelessness, share some insight into the true needs of the homeless community, discuss lessons we have learned through the years, and tell the story of how and why Lazarus Ministries was founded.

Allison will not only seek to clearly communicate the plight of those that are homeless using facts and figures, but she also hopes to give a voice to people that often go overlooked and mistreated. She will relate the stories of her friends that are homeless and those that have been homeless and now serve with the ministry as volunteers. She will emphasize how showing kindness and treating people with respect, no matter their circumstances, can change us all in positive ways.

The class teaches practical tools that can be put into practice on a daily basis. For instance, the class will cover the wisdom of good boundaries as well as practical suggestions for giving.